Eaglets Program

What is Eaglets?

Eaglets is a FREE student-run organization that encourages children to explore engineering and technology through robot kits.

Note: Eaglets is a separate program from Study Sharp and is an opportunity for students in 5th-6th grade to learn the fundamentals of building and programming robots in a virtual learning environment. These classes are offered on Mondays and Wednesdays @ 6:45pm CST.

The organization was established by students from Allen High School’s Eagle Robotics team, who designed 3D-printed robot kits and developed a curriculum aimed at teaching students the fundamentals of building and programming robots. Throughout the year, they host various events in order to provide students from all backgrounds with the opportunity to develop hands-on experience with robotics. These events include annual summer camps, robotics nights at local elementary schools, and community workshops. Through these events, students can discover the applications of technology and foster their passion for engineering and coding.

What do they teach?

Eaglets teaches students basic programming fundamentals virtually using our own designed curriculum and kits. All classes will be held virtually for 8 weeks where students in 5th-6th grade will be able to create their own code using Java and test it on the kits. Click here to enroll.

What is included in the kits?

Created by students from Allen High School’s Eagle Robotics team, our robot kits are designed to be beginner-friendly and adaptable. They use 3D-printing technology and wood laser cutting to create the majority of the kit components, allowing the kits to be economical compared to existing robot kits on the market. Each robot is powered by a Raspberry Pi microcontroller and is capable of driving autonomously. These kits are designed so that students can not only explore how to program robots, but also learn how robots are constructed.